Thursday, January 27, 2011

the secret to happiness is...

Today kiddies we're going to talk about monogamy!


The first thing you need to know is that forming an intimate relationship with a single partner, for the rest of your life, willingly, is the first major step on the road to absolute insanity. This is not hyperbole, this is what every married couple in the history of the world has signed up for. Misery loves company. Hell is other people. Three's a crowd. So, let's compromise and form a couple. What's life without a little suffering? Or a lot? Not only that, it's totally unnatural. Do you think our simian ancestors gave a fuck who they fucked? They practically invented the 5 year itch. Some of them even gave us AIDS.

That's what makes monogamy so special, less STI's, and the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever. Total devotion to what at first blush is a complete stranger is madness at best. Hold on to irrationality it will take you to places you never even knew existed. I never thought I'd say this: Promiscuity is overrated. Our monkey programming might be wrong. The euphoria of devotion, lust, and infatuation to a certain someone trumps it completely. I'd rather be in love and miserable, than single and happy.

When the honey moon phase is over, you and I can disregard everything I have just said.


Anonymous said...

Well whoever it is you're stuck on must be pretty special...

Loren said...

yep she is