Saturday, June 6, 2009

measuring my manhood one inch at a time, 1

These pieces constitute the back ground radiation to my origin point. That really is a bad comparison, but it sounds cool.

Should I bare a little more of my soul to the internet? I'm bored, so hey why not.

There are little things that happen who's impact may be lost because I've got a bad memory. It's not even that. I just want a reliable place to store them. Do you ever get the feeling that you're empowering an imaginary weakness by giving it voice. Are words incantations? Spells? I answer to a specific noise which takes the written form of Loren. Ferdinand De Saussure you where good for something after all.

Yes, those tiny details that make up the backdrop of your life while you're busy taking centre stage. That's what I'm talking about. What good is data without interpretation? I need to filter the flotsam somehow, here is a clumsy attempt to do so, a reductive approach to my collection of complexity. Starting tomorrow.

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