Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What this month taught me...

Perhaps semi-inspired by this TED talk, and definitely by this Testosterone Nation article, this month I decided to embark on a daily regimen (missed 3 days so far, oops) of heavy squating. Nothing gets me all burly-manesque like a solid session of Hemorrhoid inducing weights. I am one of those bizarre people that is addicted to moving ponderous amounts of iron just for fun. Can't really explain, I just do it.

Here's the thing though, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. If you walk into the gym and are significantly weaker than the previous day, and/or feel like bursting into tears for no apparent reason, then it's time to back off slightly. Both my knees are on the verge of exploding, my left hip flexor has been strained since day 3; too many arse to grass squats (not me in the video). I Need to do some box/power-lifting squats, hit the posterior chain, and balance things out. "Moderation in all things, except moderation itself." Hammies, your time has come.


Anonymous said...

Justin Said...

You might be interested in studying

'The Purposeful Primitive' by Marty Gallagher

Loren said...

Interesting, this seems like the current, I hesitate to use the word fad, because that connotes something less solid than what this movement seems to be. I recently read over the Primal Blueprint, which talks about similar back to stone age type living.

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